YHC’s Rollins Planetarium presents “From Earth to the Universe”

The O. Wayne Rollins Planetarium at Young Harris College will host “From Earth to the Universe” on Friday, September 17, 2021, at 8pm. The Planetarium is housed in the Maxwell Center for Mathematics and Sciences on the YHC campus, which is located at 1 College Street, Young Harris, Georgia. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for children, and is free for YHC students and employees.  “From Earth to the Universe” takes the audience through space and time and conveys the universe as revealed to us by science. Featuring a sweeping soundtrack and truly amazing images, this full-dome show allows audiences to revel in the splendor of the worlds in our solar system and the ferocity of the scorching sun. Travel to the colorful birthplaces and cataclysmic burial grounds of the stars. Then, journey further beyond our Milky Way to the unimaginable immensity of myriads of galaxies, as today’s giant telescopes allow us to probe even deeper into the cosmos. This updated version of the show features improved image quality, higher resolution star maps, new video footage of the Very Large Telescope, a new 3D model of the Milky Way, and much more.  Planetarium tickets may be purchased in advance at yhc.edu/planetarium. From there, select the link to “Public Shows” for a listing of upcoming show dates and times. Each show listing has an option to purchase tickets. Click or tap on the “Purchase Tickets” button to buy tickets through the corresponding Eventbrite page.