Weather will keep Smokey Road near Alto Prison closed 

The temporary closure of Smokey Road near Alto, set to last for two weeks beginning March 13, has been extended to April 3.  Anderson Grading & Pipeline, through a contract with Lee Arrendale State Prison, is replacing and installing new stormwater pipes, but that work is behind schedule due to weather.  Smokey Road is closed to through traffic between CM Wilbanks Road and Mt. Zion Church Road.  Signage has been placed along the route to detour traffic around the work area.  Access to CM Wilbanks Road and Peace Dollar Drive will be maintained and remain open to residents of those two roads.  Work will occur from 7:30am to 6pm daily through April 3.  The closure affects access to as many as 50 homes and buildings during the process.  Drivers are reminded to use caution and obey all construction signs, flaggers, and crews during the process.