Wash and Wipe to avoid Coronavirus

Medical experts continue to encourage everyone to wash and wipe in order to avoid contracting the Coronavirus.  Mountain Lakes Medical Center Chief Nursing Officer Kim Ingram offers these tips when it comes to washing and wiping.  “You need to wash your hands with hot water, soap, and friction. That is what kills this virus. Wash your hands multiple times throughout the day.  In your home, either use a wipe or a Clorox and water mix to disinfect things in your home that you and other people touch frequently that would things like doorknobs, telephones, handles on the cabinets, or anything that you and other people in your household touch multiple times a day.  If you do have to leave your home and go to the grocery store, then you need to carry some type of hand sanitizer or wipes in your car. If you stop to pump gas, think about how many other people’s hands have touched that gas pump or pushed the buttons on the gas pump. So, when you get back in the car, clean your hands.  So, those are just the basic things. If you are in your home, wipe off countertops. If you come in and you set things down on the counter, like your purse that has been someplace else or grocery bags that have been in your cart, wipe off those countertops. So, just think about things that you touch with your hands. I wipe my phone down twice a day.  I wipe my keyboard, I wipe my mouse. So, if you have a computer at your house that multiple members of your family share, wipe off the keyboard, wipe off the mouse. Anything that your hands touch and that other people touch, you need to wipe that off.”  If you are sick with the Coronavirus, separate yourself from other people and pets in your home.  As much as possible, stay away from others. Call ahead before visiting your doctor.