USFS seeking applicants for advisory board

According to forest service officials with the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forrest, applicants are being sought to serve on a committee who would be tasked with reviewing proposals for forests in 13 southern states.

USFS Spokesperson Caroline Mitchell told WRBN/WGHC News that there are currently four positions available to serve on the Southern Region Recreation Resource Advisory Committee.

Mitchell said nominees must represent the following forest-related interests:

“For the first category, there will be five people who represent recreation users, one in each position for camping, summer motorized, summer non-motorized, wildlife and nature viewing/viewing of interpretive sites and hunting and fishing,” Mitchell said. “The target for recruitment for 2018 is for one committee member to represent camping and one that could represent non-motorized recreation.”

In category two, applicants are being sought who represent outfitter and guides (two separate positions) and a representative involved in a local environmental group.

Lastly, the positions for category three will consist of a state tourism official, a person who represents affected local government interests and a person who represents affected Indian tribes’ issues.

Mitchell said completed application forms are due no later than by Monday, Oct. 1.

Interested applicants can apply here.