Use caution with Emails

Emails have become a part of daily life.  They have also become a popular tool for scammers.  There are two main types of emails that scammers will use: phishing and whaling.  Phishing emails are a common way that cybercriminals gain access to systems. The goal of a phishing email is to dupe the recipient into believing it has been sent by a legitimate source so that they will divulge sensitive data or information like passwords, user names, credit card or bank account details, and more.  Whaling takes phishing one step further.  This is where a cybercriminal will email employees within a company pretending to be a company executive who has lost access to their email or bank account or needs an urgent credit card payment etc.  These types of requests should always be treated suspiciously.  So, always pay close attention to the sender.  Be careful of clicking on any link, especially if it is an email you were not expecting.  When in doubt, delete the email.