Update to Stop, Drop, and Roll

Everyone remembers learning to stop, drop, and roll when they were a kid, but some new safety measures have been added, says Rabun County Assistant Fire Chief Justin Upchurch.  “Everything with stop, drop, and roll is for if your clothes catch on fire.  So, stop immediately and drop to the ground.  One thing that they added in recent times is to cover your face with your hands.  Roll over and over and back and forth until the fire is out.  If you cannot stop, drop, and roll, if you have a blanket or towel to help smother the flames, you can try that.  Cover the person with a blanket to smother the fire.  If you use a wheelchair, scooter, or other devices that you are able to get to the floor, lock the device first to make sure that it stays in place before getting on the floor until the flames are out.  If something happens and your clothes do catch on fire, once you have the fire out immediately remove loose clothing or clothing with elastic bands, belts, or jewelry.  There is going to be swelling to the affected areas.  For instance, if you burn your hands, even if it is a burn with scalding water or you get some grease on your hand and you cause a burn, it would be the safest thing to go ahead and remove your rings or anything because if any swelling happens, once it happens it may be a little too late and then that gets into possibly having to cut those rings off later on.  Treat a burn right away by putting it in cool water for 3-5 minutes and cover it with a clean, dry cloth.  Do not apply creams, ointments, sprays, or any other kind of home remedies.  If it is something serious enough where you need medical help, either go to the ER or call 911 immediately.  So, how do we need to prevent our clothes from catching on fire?  Wear short, close-fitting, or tightly rolled sleeves when cooking or grilling.  Teach young children to tell a grown-up when they find matches or lighters and to never touch matches or lighters.  Always have a kid-free zone of at least 3 feet around fireplaces, candles, grills, and stoves.”  Please follow this fire safety advice to avoid being a victim of fire and its associated injuries.