Tips on reporting Lost or Stolen Items to Habersham Co. Sheriff’s Office

The Habersham County Sheriff’s Office reports that if you’ve ever had to make a report due to a lost or stolen item, you know it can be frustrating. If you have never done it, you may not know how important it is to have a serial number or photo of the item.  Anytime the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office receives a report of a lost or stolen item, it enters the item into a database so other law enforcement agencies around the state can see if the item is lost or stolen. However, the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office cannot enter items into this database unless it has a serial number.  The Habersham County Sheriff’s Office encourages you to keep a list of your valuables and their serial numbers on hand in the event you need assistance locating an item. Taking a photo of them is also a valuable tool so investigators know exactly what they are looking for.