Thirteen People killed in Fourth of July Holiday Travel Period Crashes

Troopers and local law enforcement investigated 12 fatal traffic crashes resulting in 13 deaths across Georgia during the July Fourth holiday travel period.  This year, the holiday travel period was 54 hours long.  It began at 6pm on Friday, July 3, and ended at 11:59pm on Sunday, July 5.  Statewide, Georgia State Troopers investigated 180 traffic crashes that resulted in 96 injuries.  Troopers also investigated eight fatal crashes with eight fatalities while local agencies investigated four fatal crashes with five fatalities.  Local agencies reporting traffic deaths during the holiday period were the Atlanta Police Department, Cobb County Police Department, DeKalb County Police Department, and Newton County Sheriff’s Office.  In addition to crash investigations, State Troopers arrested 322 people for driving under the influence.  Troopers and Motor Carrier Officers issued 7,609 citations and 8,679 warnings.  There were no citations issued for the executive order.