TFS returns to Class 

As Tallulah Falls School (TFS) had hoped, it is returning to in-person classes.  Last week, TFS held a blended learning period.  TFS’s goal is to keep all students learning on campus and will accomplish this with continued partnership and support. One of the most important ways that families can partner with TFS to help keep the campus safe is to keep your child at home if they exhibit symptoms of a sore throat, congestion, cough, fever, shortness of breath, and a new loss of taste or smell.  As TFS returns to class, it will continue to take a layered approach to prevention protocols by using thermal scanners, practicing diligence in hand sanitizing, physical distancing when possible, and requiring masks on buses.  Also, all TFS faculty and staff will wear masks indoors and students will be required to wear masks in specific indoor areas where physical distancing cannot take place. To facilitate this, students will be asked to have a mask available and ready for use. Locations will include but not be limited to specific classrooms, hallways, waiting in line, and large indoor gatherings like assemblies.  On a related note, masked students exposed to a person testing positive will not be required to quarantine per the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention contact tracing guidelines for school-age children. Additionally, the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccination for individuals 16-over. TFS encourages you to explore this option for your child if age appropriate.  The Blended Learning platform will be available for those who are quarantined, positive for COVID-19, or having underlying health issues so they can seamlessly participate in real-time classroom activities. Please contact the respective academic deans for details, if necessary.