TFS Faculty and Staff return to Campus

E. Lane Gresham of Tallulah Falls School (TFS) reports that faculty and staff returned to campus on August 4, to prepare for the 2020-21 academic year.  For the first time since March 13, close to 150 employees gathered on campus for a brief meeting led by President and Head of School Larry A. Peevy. Others elected to attend virtually.  Peevy thanked the group for stepping up to complete the 2019-20 year in ways that resulted in positive experiences for students. He then updated them on the many campus upgrades completed over the summer.  “Our risk management team has worked hard this summer to prepare for a safe start to the year. We have implemented a variety of protocols to create a healthy environment for our faculty, staff, and students,” Peevy said. “As we move forward united in our mission to prepare students for success, I am reminded we are truly better together.”  A follow-up meeting via Google Meet and lunch served in shifts marked the first-half of the preplanning agenda set to run through August 7, followed by two weeks of training on new technology.  International boarding students will arrive over the weekend to shelter in place on campus until classes start on August 24, when they will be joined by domestic boarding and day students.  A small portion of the student body will engage in blended learning but the majority of students are expected to attend class in person, Peevy said.  Photo by E. Lane Gresham of TFS showing TFS faculty and staff members during the kick-off meeting for the 2020-21 academic year. President and Head of School Larry A. Peevy, left, led the meeting.