State of the Board of Commissioners

The State of Rabun took place last week.

During the event, Rabun County Commissioner Stephen Arbitter gave the state of the Rabun County Board of Commissioners.

Arbitter said that even though he has only been a commissioner for a short time, he is excited about the county’s future.

“For the last few months, I’ve really enjoyed working with that group of commissioners,” said Arbitter. “It’s really been eye opening for me and I’m really about optimistic about the county and things we can get done.”

He went on to list what is important to the commissioners.

“As far as the priorities for the commission, it’s jobs, jobs, jobs, and working on the infrastructure,” said Arbitter. “Just like all the cities locally, we want to make sure the water and sewer is up and down the Highway 441 Corridor.”

Arbitter also said that the fiber network coming to Rabun County is important in bringing jobs here.