SPLOST Update given to Rabun Co. Board of Education

At their recent meeting, the Rabun County Board of Education was given an update on SPLOST projects and their timelines.  Rabun County Schools Superintendent Dr. April Childers gives details.  “One of the first scheduled projects that will take place is the renovation of the tennis courts and we know a lot of community people enjoy the tennis courts during the summer.  We will have one month of construction starting right after the season is over but those courts are going to be completely redone with the addition of one more court.  It is supposed to take about 30 days as long as the weather is good and then we will have those open again.  We also hope to break ground on the new FARM, the agri-science center that the spot was the main project from the SPLOST this time and we hope to break ground in May to get that construction started.  Then we will start construction at the elementary school this summer renovating the heat and air conditioning.  That was one of our main projects too and it is going to take two summers to get that completed so that we can have construction done when kids are not on campus but the first half of that will be completed over the summer of this year.”  SPLOST is a special purpose local option tax comprising a one-cent additional sales tax that brings in an estimated $20 million for the county to spend on local projects and upgrades.