Sheriff’s Offices Needs New Cruisers

In the last County Budget workshop, the Sheriff Frank Andrews asked for two new vehicles for the Sheriff’s Office…

“A couple of the cruisers that are wearing out, they’re in real bad shape. Your going to end up spending more in maintenance trying to keep them up. We’ve got a lot of them from 140,000 miles to 200,000 miles. We’re trying to replace those to keep our fleet up to where we can answer calls, and be able to have good reliable equipment.”

Andrews also asked for 2 additional deputies…

“Call volume, we’re having to spend a lot of time on our calls when we go out, whether it be a domestic situation, whether it be a civil issue that we have to deal with. So just call volume, and we need to add another investigator because of the thefts, and burglaries. It just seems like things have increased, and it’s not just us, it’s everyone in every county.”

The Sheriff’s office did save money in their budget by decreasing salaries at the detention center.