Service #1 for New Mountain Lakes Administrator

The Mountain Lakes Medical Center will see an administrative change for the new year. The current CEO Vicki Lawrenson will step down but remain a board member to have more time to work on the hospitals new upcoming location. Joseph Forese will become the new CEO starting January 6th. Forese has a great deal of experience…

“I went to Life University Chiropractic, I got a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. I ran a private practice for several years, I then sold out that practice to go back to medical school. I completed medical school in 2007.”Says Forese.” I did not do a residency, so I’m not here in a doctors capacity, I leave the medicine to the professionals. For the last 8 years I’ve been an administrator down at the College of Life University, I was part of an amazing team of people there.”

He adds that the number one focus of the hospital will be service…

“Service is going to be job number one. And I think that if we just show and really, truly believe it, that the people that I’ve met so far, you know I’ve just being going through meeting the managers, meeting the doctors, everybody I’ve met so here at the hospital feel that way.” Forese continues “and if we can instill that and nurture it, and put service as job number one there’s no limits to what this place, this hospital can achieve, and that’s what I’m here for, just to be a steward of service.”

Forese also spent several years in the military.