Repair Work in Clayton will disrupt Water

The City of Clayton announces that repair work is planned on two valves on Monday, July 11, 2022.  This repair work will cause water disruption in the area, says Clayton Public Works Director Jason Waldroup.  “On Monday, we are going to be doing a valve repair on Banister Road in the Longview Subdivision starting at 9am.  Longview will be out of water for probably about 3 hours while we rehab that valve.  Also on the same day, we have to rehab two valves on Seedtick, which will put out water to Seedtick, John Henry, Grasshopper Lane, Starr Mountain, and Fred Henry.  We are going to start that project at 7pm, that way, hopefully, everybody can get home, get showers, and get everything they need to do.  That project might take a little longer, it could take 5 hours or so.”  The City apologizes for the inconvenience while this necessary valve repair is being done.