Record Midterm Early Voting continues in Georgia

As of Thursday morning, Georgia’s record-breaking turnout continues with 1,898,223 voters casting their ballot during Early Voting, with 134,318 showing up on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, reports the Secretary of State’s Office. Georgia has had record Early Voting turnout since the first day of Early Voting this year, surging to nearly twice the number on the first day of Early Voting in 2018. As of day seventeen of Early Voting in 2018 only 1,498,184 voters had cast a ballot.  Voters have begun to return Absentee (mail) ballots at a higher pace, and as of Tuesday, 193,978 ballots have been returned to county election offices. Only 1,533 ballots have been rejected statewide, and those voters receive cure notices explaining how they can cure any discrepancy. 68% of issued absentee ballots have already been returned to county election offices, which will reduce the Election Day burden on county election offices.  The last day for in-person Early Voting is Friday, November 4, 2022. To find Early Voting locations and hours in your county, visit the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page.  The Turnout Numbers through November 2, 2022 are Total Turnout 2,183,201, Early In-Person 1,989,223, and Absentee 193,978.