RCFS offers ‘Do’s and Dont’s’ when deep frying a turkey

The latest trend in preparing a Thanksgiving turkey is deep frying. The results can be delicious but it can also be dangerous.

Assistant Fire Chief Justin Upchurch said deep frying a turkey can be risky business but as long as you follow strict instructions that will protect you and your family from a potential disaster, you have nothing to worry about.

Upchurch said one of the most common disasters when deep frying a turkey is a fire caused by oil spilling out of the deep fryer onto the burner below.

In order to make sure things go smoothly, Upchurch offered a few tips to help you get your bird fried this year:

First, make sure you only use the dryer outdoors away from anything that could potentially catch fire.  Upchurch recommends somewhere away from your residence is the best protocol.

Additionally, he said to make sure to pay close attention to how much oil you are putting into the fryer. If any oil spills out, it could be disastrous.