RCFS informs on how to avoid electrical problems during holiday season

While the winter holiday season is traditionally a festive time of year filled with colorful decorations and family gatherings, it is too often a time of tragedy and loss as well.

According to local Rabun County Fire Service officials and the National Fire Protection Association, statistics indicate that 30% of all home fires occur during the months of December, January and February.

These winter fires result from a variety of sources. Although, holiday decorations and Christmas tree fires, in particular, are the main causes.

Local fire safety officials offered these tips to help keep your family and you safe while you deck the halls:

Of all the tips it’s most important to note that limiting the use of holiday lights will significantly reduce the risk of an electrical fire. However, if you plan on using lights for indoor/outdoor use, make sure they are properly graded for the use you intend them for.

Additionally, it can often be tempting to string holiday lights together end-to-end from the same outlet. However, this puts enormous stress on a single circuit in your home. Instead, try to plug electric decorations in throughout your home, spreading the load across several circuits.

As Assistant Fire Chief Justin Upchurch pointed out before, the heat generated from lights hung on a Christmas tree can pose a risk of fire. This risk is increased substantially if the tree is dehydrated, so make sure that your tree is positioned in a stable base filled with water. Make sure to regularly check the level of water in the base.