Rabun’s labor records booming

With 2018 coming to a close, the Georgia Labor Department recently released information indicating that Rabun County is thriving in the workforce industry nearly a week ahead of Thanksgiving.

The report said Georgia continued to set records in the Georgia Mountains region, which includes Rabun County, regarding jobs numbers in the state during the month of October, including total jobs and employed residents.

With two new distribution centers having been recently established located at the Rabun Business Park in Rabun Gap, jobs have been abundant in Rabun County driving the workforce numbers up.

Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler says the unemployment rate is now 3.6 percent, just below the national rate of 3.7 and an improvement from the 4.5 percent rate Georgia saw one year ago.

Butler called it another great month, and that this month’s numbers followed several other record-setting months. He said all indicators are pointing in the right direction for the year.