Piggly Wiggly offering Curbside Pickup

The Piggly Wiggly in Dillard is offering curbside pickup.  The grocery store announces that with health issues on the rise again in and around the community it is continuing to offer the service for the safety and well-being of customers.  For curbside pickup, call the store at 706-746-2624 or email at [email protected] and place your order. It is best to give one day’s notice if you are able to do that. Calling on Monday for a Tuesday pickup or Thursday for a Friday pickup are the optimal times to get curbside service with a full order. Otherwise, Piggly Wiggly will need approximately 3 hours to fill your order.  If you email your order, you may want to call the store as well just to confirm that the order was received as there may be a high volume of curbside orders coming in.  Once you arrive at the curbside please call and let them know you are there.  The Piggly Wiggly will walk the receipt out for your review. At this point, you will be able to see if there is anything you need to add.  Once your order is complete and approved if you are writing a check Piggly Wiggly will take it at that time. If you have a debit or credit card, the store will walk you in to take care of that payment.  The safety of guests and staff is Piggly Wiggly’s number one priority.