November is National Diabetes Month

In November, National Diabetes Month focuses attention on the growing cost of diabetes on American’s health. From the physical, emotional, and social effects to the financial and damaging health consequences, diabetes impacts more than 30 million people in the United States. Also known as American Diabetes Month, the month focus on making healthy changes and reducing the risk of diabetes.  Get a physical. Regular checkups let us know where we stand and what changes we need to make. Ask questions, too.  When we make small changes, we are more likely to stick with them. So, add one or two small changes at a time, instead of huge sweeping changes.  Keep track of your goals. We are more likely to be honest if we write down our daily intake than if we just guess.  Get a buddy. It’s more fun when we make changes together than if we go it alone.  The American Diabetes Association founded National Diabetes Month to spread information and resources concerning diabetes.  The Georgia Department of Public Health encourages you to know where you stand by taking the 1-minute prediabetes risk test at