NGPG urges Patients to keep Appointments 

Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (NGPG) providers are urging patients to continue doing everything they can to remain healthy.  Dr. Chip Beehler with Clayton Primary Care, which is part of NGPG, encourages everyone to keep appointments and take medications.  “It’s very important that people take care of their health right now and remain healthy and keep their immune systems strong.  They need to do the things they were doing as far as the social distancing and staying safe, but a big part of that is managing their chronic medical problems, particularly those that have diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.  We really need to help control those factors because if they are out of control it increases their risk of getting sick and it also increases their risk that they might end up in the emergency room or some other medical facility, which might even expose them to the disease process.  So, in the clinics, we are taking all the precautions that we can on how to help people maintain their health and continue to get the important check-ups, blood tests, and refills of their medications and that can be done through the different clinics.  We recommend that everybody contact their clinic and talk about what might be the best way to do that, whether that is a telemedicine visit or talking on the phone or actually coming into the clinic where the clinician and the patient can meet face-to-face.  Now, I would like to point out that when we are seeing patients face-to-face in the office, we’re taking every precaution that we can so be sure that you call ahead because there might be some things that we ask you to do such as wearing a mask, calling from your car, and bringing patients in one at a time so that we can keep everybody safe and healthy.”  NGPG is offering video visits, so patients can reach out to their physician to see if that option is right for them.  For more information, visit