New Director for Paws 4 Life

Paws 4 Life now has a permanent Shelter Director says interim Director Justin Willis…

“I’ve been named the Shelter Director as of last week. I’m excited moving forward, seeing what we can do to continue to grow our shelter in being the best that it can be.”

Willis says that he doesn’t feel that the shelter needs a whole lot of improving adding “if it’s not broke don’t fix it” but does say there are some needs for the shelter that he wants to work on…

“Probably the biggest need is to find more volunteers so we can continue to socialize the dogs and the cats, get them some playtime, because they will go a little crazy sitting in their kennels. And then the next is just you know everyday supplies for cleaning, the paper towels, sponges, the bleach for the dishes. Help with the laundry. We always have a lot of laundry, we got to keep these little guys warm.”

Paws 4 Life did also just receive their 501(C)3 so donations are now deductible.