Meals on Wheels Needs Volunteers

A program which provides meals to seniors in Rabun County is calling for volunteers.

Lawanda Craig, the Supervisor of Meals on Wheels, said that the number of people who help deliver the meals has decreased significantly.

“We need volunteers,” said Craig. “I had 47 and I’m down to 20. We have 5 routes a day that we send out all over the county. We serve 96 meals a day through Meals on Wheels, and we do between 100-120 at the center Monday through Friday.”

Craig said that just a few more volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

“If I could at least get 15 new volunteers to come in, it doesn’t take but 2 hours one day a week,” said Craig. “The schedule is really flexible, I can work with them. We have the meals ready by 8:30, and I ask that they are delivered by 12:30.”

For more information, drop by the senior center.