Latest Round of Major Tests completed on Vogtle Unit 3 

A major testing milestone on the Vogtle Unit 3 containment vessel’s structural integrity and safety functions has been completed at Georgia Power’s nuclear expansion project near Waynesboro, Georgia.  The structural integrity test and integrated leak rate test were completed in succession and demonstrated the containment vessel meets construction quality and design requirements. The containment vessel serves as a barrier to protect the public and surrounding communities by containing material produced inside the reactor vessel in the unlikely event of an emergency.  The structural integrity test called for the vessel to be pressurized for the first time and then closely monitored to confirm that it meets industry standards. While pressurized, each accessible weld seam on the containment vessel was inspected by specially trained inspectors.  The integrated leak rate test examined individual component and integrated systems to verify that the containment vessel and its isolation valves, piping and electrical penetrations, and hatches properly performed their intended safety functions. The integrated leak rate test will be performed periodically during the lifetime of the plant.  The completion of this containment vessel milestone marks progress toward hot functional testing and critical testing on the primary and secondary sides of the unit, which are required ahead of initial fuel load.  “The successful and safe completion of these major tests helps ensure our plant is built to the quality expected of a world-class nuclear facility and demonstrates our continued progress with testing,” said Vogtle 3 & 4 Construction Executive Vice President Glen Chick.  The new Vogtle units, with regulatory-approved in-service dates of November 2021 for Unit 3 and November 2022 for Unit 4, are an essential part of Georgia Power’s commitment to deliver safe, clean, reliable and affordable energy for customers. Once operating, the two new units at Plant Vogtle will be able to power more than 500,000 homes and businesses and provide customers with a new carbon-free energy source that is expected to put downward pressure on rates for 60 to 80 years. A diverse fuel mix, including nuclear, is also essential to maintaining a reliable and affordable energy infrastructure that attracts new investment, supports economic growth and creates jobs.