Lane Shift on SR 13
Construction partners with the Georgia DOT have rescheduled the lane shift on SR 13 in Buford that was previously scheduled for March 3. The shift will now occur on February 29, in the morning. Crews will move traffic onto new lanes in order to continue paving for the widening project. Be advised that the work is weather-permitting. The project aims to widen Buford Hwy (SR 13), an urban minor arterial, from Sawnee Avenue in Gwinnett County to Friendship Road in Hall County. The length of the project is approximately 1.53 miles. The existing roadway currently consists of two lanes with a variable width, with only a few left turn and right turn lanes along the project length. The proposed project will widen Buford Hwy (SR 13) to a 4-lane urban facility with a 20-foot raised median, 4-foot bike lanes, curb and gutter and a 5-foot sidewalk on both sides. Please slow down and drive alert through the construction zone.