Lampros Says Boston Marathon Crowd was “Infectious”
Anthony Lampros, local to Rabun County, took part in and successfully finished this years Boston Marathon…
“It was warm this year.” Lampros said with a laugh. “Coming from the top of Georgia and doing a lot of my training in Highlands, I’m a cold weather runner, if it’s 35 degrees or even colder, I’m good to go. We had almost 70 degree highs in Boston on Monday, so for this guy, that’s warm. I got into a comfortable groove early, I realized I wasn’t going to have a real, real fast finish.”
Lampros said the slow finish did not bother him a bit…
“With the spirit, all the people, we had over a million people along the course, watching, yelling, screaming, horns, and whistles, and bells, I didn’t want it to be over to fast. I wanted to soak it up. So I interacted with the crowd, I probably gave, seriously, 2,000 high fives and low fives. The crowd was engaging with the marathon runners, the energy of the crowd was just infectious. I know it was for me.”
After 8 Boston Marathons Lampros says he may take the next couple years off to focus on more regional events, like the Peachtree Road Race.