Kilby Sentenced 25 Years
The sentencing hearing for former Boggs Mountain Animal Shelter Director Lowanda “Peanut” Kilby took place this morning in front of a packed Rabun County Courtroom. D.A. Brian Rickman explains the sentence that was handed down by Judge Smith…
“It was a total sentence of 25 years, 15 of that to be served in confinement, the balance to be served on probation. So meaning that once released the defendant would have probation to serve after she gets out of confinement. Also community service of a thousand hours, a fine of $30,000, and restitution of $5,050.”
Rickman felt the sentence given was justified…
“Certainly the sentence was appropriate, I have no issue with it what so ever. That’s something that the judge has to do based on his or her own conscience. You know it’s certainly not, I don’t think anyone would look at it and call it a slap on the wrist.”
Kilby will now have 30 days to file for an appeal if she chooses.