Illegal Water Customers in Clayton being offered Amnesty

If you receive water from the City of Clayton but you don’t receive a bill, you need to contact the City immediately.  At their recent meeting, the Clayton City Council passed an ordinance offering amnesty to illegal water customers, says Mayor Kurt Cannon.  “In moves to try to find and stop as much water loss as possible, we’ve noticed that there might be some individuals in the community that have been getting water without paying for it.  So, we are going to give an amnesty period that if you will come on in and buy your meter and hook it up properly there won’t be any finds attached to that.  If you do not in that period of time we will levy fines of a pretty large amount.  It is a felony to take any type of service from a city government or county government.”  To apply for amnesty, visit the City of Clayton Public Works Department at City Hall, which is located at 837 Highway 76 West, Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.  For more information, call 706-782-4512.