Habersham County Commissioner Bruce Palmer attends 2024 Legislative Breakfast in Atlanta

Habersham County Commissioner Bruce Palmer and County Clerk Brandalin Carnes attended a Legislative Breakfast in Atlanta on Thursday, March 7, alongside state legislators and representatives from across Georgia’s 159 counties. This event was held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza and was hosted by the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG). ACCG hosts this breakfast annually to keep county officials aware of legislation that can have an impact on local governments and provide them an opportunity to engage with state legislators. Those in attendance received updates from the ACCG Governmental Affairs team regarding key bills that survived Crossover Day on Feb. 29 and are moving through the state legislature as well as the impact they would have on counties. Please see the attachment for a list of the bills discussed. Attendees were able to hear directly from state leaders regarding trending state issues such as transportation funding as well as legislation regarding mental health care, affordable workforce housing and elections. Speakers at the event included: Speaker of the House Jon Burns; Legislative Director and Counsel Brad Vaughn from the Office of Lt. Gov. Burt Jones; and the ACCG Governmental Affairs Team. Other speakers discussing trending state issues included Commissioner Kevin Tanner of the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities discussing 2024 mental health legislation; Commissioner Russell McMurry of the Georgia Department of Transportation discussing Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant funding; Commissioner Christopher Nunn of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs; and Chief Operating Officer Gabe Sterling of the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State.