Habersham Co. Sheriff reminds Parents that Safety is Their Responsibility

Spring Break is here and that means many families will be taking trips and spending time together.  But not all parents can be off work to spend time with their children when school is out.  Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell reminds working parents to talk with children and youth who will be left home about safety, rules, and expectations.  “Based on the rules you already have in place at your house, outline specific rules about playing outside, going to a friend’s house, and maintaining contact with you at regular intervals,” Terrell said.  Terrell reminds parents that there are people with bad intentions, so it is important to review safety tactics.  “Talk with your children about what to do in an emergency, but also just as importantly about when they are allowed to open the door and when they should call the apartment manager, a trusted neighbor, you, or 9-1-1,” Terrell said. “Also, it sounds simple, but everybody has cell phones now, so people don’t remember phone numbers the way we did growing up, meaning you need to post your work and cell number and any other emergency contacts for them in an accessible place.”  Home safety is a parent’s or guardian’s responsibility, whether or not they are home.  “Before you head to work, make sure that you have secured any firearms, poisonous or flammable materials, prescription medicines, and alcohol,” Terrell said. “Also, make sure they know not to leave food on the stove or in the oven too long.”  Simple things such as locking doors and windows, wearing seat belts when riding in cars, and remembering the “stranger danger” concept go a long way toward keeping students safe while home alone.