Georgia Power’s Vogtle Units approximately 87% complete

Georgia Power announced in a filing with the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) that the target in-service dates for the Vogtle nuclear expansion project remain November 2021 for Unit 3 and November 2022 for Unit 4. The company also reported the project is now approximately 87% complete, as significant progress continues to be made at the site.  Keeping safety and quality the top priority, the project continues to accomplish major milestones despite the COVID-19 pandemic. This summer, the project completed a series of critical tests as the site continues to transition from construction towards system operations.  Recently, the site completed closed vessel testing for Unit 3, which prepares the unit for cold hydro-testing ahead of hot functional testing, and ultimately initial fuel load. Closed vessel testing verifies the pipes and valves in the Unit 3 reactor coolant system were installed as designed and helps ensure safety systems function properly.  The site also completed the structural integrity test and integrated leak rate test on Unit 3. These tests were completed in succession and demonstrated the containment vessel meets construction quality and design requirements.