Georgia Powers offers Energy Savings Tips for Cold Weather

Georgia Power reminds customers that even if they do not change their thermostats, colder weather could result in more energy use. During cold snaps, heating systems work harder to maintain inside temperatures. The sudden change of weather makes energy efficiency even more important.  Keeping the blinds and shades open on the sunny sides of your home during the day is a no-cost way to naturally heat your home. Close them at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.  Heating and cooling accounts for as much as 50 percent of a home’s typical winter energy usage. Maximize the efficiency of your units ahead of cold weather by changing the filters once a month, or every three months for pleated filters.  Install a smart programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the home’s temperature settings when you are away from the house and save up to $100 a year in energy costs.  Replace cracked or peeling caulk or weather stripping around doors and windows to save up to 10 percent on energy use.  Keep heat where it belongs with proper insulation in attics and walls to help save energy 24/7.  Georgia Power encourages customers to find even more ways to save by accessing energy saving tools and resources online at, including hundreds of easy energy efficiency tips, a free online energy checkup and a variety of rebates and incentives for both homes and businesses. The company also offers customers a single, convenient online portal featuring the most popular energy saving and smart home products, such as LED lighting and smart thermostats, at  Additionally, Georgia Power’s My Power Usage program, a free service connected to many Georgia Power online accounts, allows customers to track their daily energy use, project their monthly bill, and set daily or monthly usage alerts.