Early Voting Keeping Poll Workers Busy

With a few states already holding their presidential primaries and caucuses, the presidential candidates have shifted their focus to South Carolina, where the republican primary will be held this Saturday, with the democratic primary being held seven days later.

As for Georgia, their primary will not be held until March, but early voting has kept poll workers busy, especially in Rabun County, says Board of Elections Supervisor, Tammy Whitmire. She says that over 300 people have participated in early voting, with 227 returned paper ballots.

Early voting continues into next week, but there will be a special addition to the early voting calendar, a special Saturday vote will take place tomorrow from 9am-4pm.

Early voting will continue into next week from 8:30-5. For more information on early voting, contact the Rabun County Board of Elections at 706-782-1878, or visit them at 19 Jo Dotson Circle in Clayton.