Early Voting begins on Monday

Early voting begins on Monday, says Rabun County Elections Supervisor Tammy Whitmire.  “Early voting will begin in Rabun County on October 12, and go through October 30.  The first week will be open from 8am to 5pm and the last two weeks we will be open from 8am to 6pm.  You will also have two Saturday votings this time.  Those will be October 17, and October 24, and we will be open 9am to 4pm on those Saturdays.  Just remember, we will be practicing social distancing so be prepared to be in line for just a little while.  Also, the ballot is very long, so if you haven’t got a chance to look at your ballot yet, you can go to your My Voter page and view it there or I have sample ballots here at the Elections Office that you can stop by before you are ready to vote so that you can have that so you can be prepared.”  The Rabun County Elections Office is located at 18 Old Raco High Drive, Suite 105 in Clayton.