Development Authority Discusses Fiber Status

The Development Authority of Rabun County discusses the status of the new fiber network being put into place.

Jana Hill gave the technology report to the Development Authority at Monday’s meeting, and she said the construction and test phase for the fiber expansion project is 100% complete, and now the test results just have to be processed.

“That information’s being put into a format that our buyer’s engineering agent, who’s doing our oversight for us, can review all of those results, and then they can do their validation and certification of the network.”

Executive Director of the Development Authority Ray Coulombe said once everything is in place, the business park will switch to HEMC from Windstream for internet service.

“Basically, they’re set up so we unplug Windstream and plug in HEMC,” said Coulombe. “We’re going to have 20 megabits of service versus the sporadic six megabytes we have now.”

The Authority granted Coulombe permission to enter into an internet service agreement with HEMC.