County agrees to allocate $2.3 million to City of Clayton

The Rabun County Board of Commissioners agreed to allocate funds to the City of Clayton for various improvements at a special called meeting.

According to Clayton City Mayor Jordan Green, the County has agreed to allocate $2.3 million from the 2019 SPLOST Referendum to the City of Clayton – $1.5m for roads and streets, $500k for water and sewer system improvements, $240k for City Hall maintenance and repair and $60k for public safety.

Even though the Council was in agreeance with this allocation, a discussion was held regarding speaking to the BoC about allocating additional funds for water and sewer as well as sidewalk repair for Downtown Clayton.

The council discussed that they are increasing the sales tax base by growing new businesses.

“Since the City is the County seat and growing expeditiously, it just makes good business sense,” said Council Woman Elizabeth Chapman.

A motion to approve the Rabun County BoC’s Intergovernmental Agreement and petition to the County to allocate an additional $800k to the City was passed.