Clayton PD: ‘Operation Fill the Truck a success’

The Clayton Police department last week started a donation effort that now has the whole community of Rabun County stepping up – gathering supplies and offering aid to those in Seminole County, Georgia who were affected by Hurricane Micheal.

Last Saturday, the Clayton PD and a U-Haul were parked in front of the local Walmart throughout the afternoon taking donations to drive down to South Georgia. The operation named “Fill the Truck” went so well, that the effort continued the following day, Sunday and community member continued to pile in supplies.

So many supplies in fact, that according to Police Chief Andy Strait, the hallway of the Clayton PD is nearly packed. Now the supplies are awaiting departure on Thursday when Straight and Officers’ Travis Gibson and Victoria Hopper leave and head for Seminole County.

“We’ve been getting donations steadily through Thursday evening to Friday. It was such a huge turnout Saturday that Officer Travis Gibson went back Sunday. Our hallway is just full of supplies. Our goal is to go down early Thursday morning to Seminole County and drop the truck then head on back the same day. It’s been a huge success from the citizens of Rabun County already,” Strait said.

Strait added that many local businesses have also been gracious donors such as Wander North Georgia who allocated $250 towards fuel costs for the trip down to South Georgia.

“Wander North Georgia donated $250 toward the gas lean and I believe that some other people also donated some money which Officer Gibson used to buy more supplies. So if we receive any more we will use that toward more supplies. We welcome any and all donations at the Clayton Police Department,” he said.