Clayton PD hosting blood drive

There is no better gift to give this holiday season, than the gift of life according to Clayton Police Chief Andy Strait.

The Clayton Police Department is hosting a blood drive through Blood Assurance this Thursday at Home Depot from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and all individuals who make an appointment to give will not only receive a free long-sleeve t-shirt but will also be entered to win an Apple watch.

Strait said he felt compelled to host this blood drive because of the outreach his department has in the community, in hopes it would draw more people out to give blood.

“I thought it would be a great idea for the police department to host the blood drive because we have a little more of an outreach which could draw more people in,” he said. “It’s just something we felt we should do to give back.”

Interested donors can make an appointment by visiting and select the desired time slot they wish to donate blood at.

Once an appointment has been made Strait said donors will be giving blood in the Home Depot parking lot located off of 441 S.