Clayton Mayor sends out Letter about building a Brighter Future

Clayton Mayor Kurt Cannon is sending out a letter to residents about building a brighter future. “I just put together a letter to send out and let people know where we are headed since the change from not having water and sewer anymore and what our direction is and how we are going to be working on a lot of different projects, roads and streets, and development within our city and in our community. We are definitely going to be trying to work together to focus on our town and our future.” 

This is Mayor Cannon’s letter: 

“In the dynamic landscape of the City of Clayton, a new chapter unfolds with the recent addition of three dedicated council members and the successful completion of the Water/Sewer merger. As we chart our course forward, it is imperative to prioritize a comprehensive approach to address both immediate needs and long-term goals that will enhance the vibrancy and sustainability of our city.

One of the primary areas of focus will be the realignment of the city’s budget to align with evolving priorities and challenges. By restructuring our staff and empowering our employees, we aim to optimize operational efficiency and ensure that essential projects are executed with precision and excellence.

Central to our vision is a commitment to enhancing the road infrastructure of our city. Through accelerated efforts in street paving, sidewalk replacement, and culvert maintenance, we seek to create a safer and more accessible environment for all residents and visitors. These vital investments in our physical infrastructure will lay the foundation for sustained growth and prosperity.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to revitalizing the city hall property into a community hub that caters to the diverse needs of our constituents. By introducing new amenities and services, we aspire to create a welcoming space that fosters civic engagement and connectivity among residents.

At the heart of our collective endeavors lies the imperative of unity and collaboration. By fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect among council members, we send a resounding message of trust and commitment to our community. It is through our shared dedication to progress and inclusivity that we can realize the full potential of our city.

As we embark on this journey of transformation and renewal, let us embrace a culture of positivity and forward-thinking. By focusing on constructive dialogue and leaving behind the divisive rhetoric of the past, we pave the way for a brighter future for all residents of the City of Clayton. Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient community that thrives on shared values and common goals.

Have a Great day!

Kurt Cannon”