Clayton Employee recognized for Going Above and Beyond

The Clayton City Council honored a city employee at their meeting Tuesday night for going above and beyond the call of duty.  Clayton Mayor Kurt Cannon says Keith Owens was recently honored by the Georgia Rural Water Association for implementing a plan that is saving the city money.  “Keith Owens works at our Wastewater Plant received recognition from the Georgia Rural Water Association in regards to his implementing a plan that they told him about of how to regulate the plant and do different things in the plant to save money.  Within about a nine-month time he has been able to save over $12,000.”  Mayor Cannon credits Owens for doing more than is required to make the city great.  “Keith does everything exactly the way he is supposed to and goes way above and beyond in his job.  He puts in way more hours and way more time to accomplish a really good job in what he does.”  Congratulations again to Keith Owens for being recognized by the Georgia Rural Water Association.