City of Clayton builds Relationships in 2022

2022 was a year of building relationships in the City of Clayton.  The City strengthened its relationship with the county and the Rabun County Water and Sewer Authority as well as hired several new employees, reports Clayton Mayor Kurt Cannon.  “Well, we started off the year by finishing up and agreeing to the service delivery strategy that the County and the City had been fighting over for years and years, I think almost 10 years they had been in agreement.  So, we finalized that in the first month and signed it the second month.  That was a big accomplishment to start off with and to build relationships with the County and the other Cities.  Then we also had a lot of positions that we had empty that needed to be filled to make us a more efficient City and to be able to get things done.  We did not have a Planning and Zoning Officer, we hired that person the first month.  The second month, we hired a new Finance Director because that position was empty as well.  We have since also hired a new Human Resources Director that we did not have.  We replaced the City Manager with a new Manager that works really well with the public and with all of the people at City Hall.  We have also filled positions in Public Works that were empty as well.  Right now, we are only short one person in the Police Department otherwise we are fully staffed the way we should be and things are operating very efficiently.  We are getting a lot of different things done within the community like replacing sections of water lines, putting in new valves and new meters, and really cutting down on our water loss, day-by-day and at the same time having a good working relationship with the Rabun County Water and Sewer Authority.  So, things have been going much, much better.”  To stay up-to-date with happenings in the City of Clayton, visit its website at