City Manager Weighs in on Board of Education Sewer Costs

The Clayton City Manager responds to the Rabun County Board of Education.

Last week, the Board of Education voted to send the City Manager Cissy Henry as well as the Clayton City Council a letter stating that it plans to continue honoring the current agreement regarding their water and sewer bill, which is paying the cost of the treatment of sewage.

Henry says she received that letter Monday, and explains that the agreement the Board of Education says it would honor began in 2007 and is now expired.

“It was a five year agreement that we would give them sewer at the lift station based on cost versus being based on water consumption, like all other customers.”

Henry says the council voted on the change to a consumption based rate for the Board of Education in September, which fulfills the 90 day notice required.

The council is expected to discuss this matter at their monthly meeting Tuesday evening.