Canine Ambassadors ease Stress of Finals at TFS

Tails wagged and students smiled as a new level of community engagement unfolded on the floor of the upper school lobby, reports Tallulah Falls School (TFS).  Staff members from Rabun Paws 4 Life, a nonprofit animal shelter, visited Tallulah Falls School during finals week to offer cheer in the form of two shelter dogs. Everett Lampros and Kylie Wells accompanied Fancy and Lake, staking claim to a corner of the lobby so students could stop by on their way to and from lunch.  National Honor Society students are volunteers at the shelter and the semi-annual vaccination clinic, according to TFS English teacher Kelli Bly, who helped to coordinate the special visit with Upper School Academic Dean Kim Popham. “The students came back from Thanksgiving break and told me they would do better on their final exams if they had dogs to love on during finals week,” Popham said. “Mrs. Bly offered to contact Paws for Life to see if they could assist us with this request. Because of this community partnership, students were able to relax with the dogs.”  NHS students love to support Paws 4 Life as it offers such an excellent service to our local community, Bly said. “The staff members are always so appreciative of our help and frequently say how impressed they are of our students, their friendliness, and their willingness to serve,” Bly said. “This semester, NHS, along with the help of the junior and senior class, donated a $400 check and more than $400 worth of pet supplies, food, and toys to Paws 4 Life.” Junior Anna Paige Barrett of Clarkesville took advantage of the respite in the middle of the busy exam week. “Being able to pet the dogs relieved a ton of stress. I not only enjoyed petting the dogs, but I also liked being able to talk more about Paws 4 Life and their mission,” Barrett. “I’m thankful that Mrs. Popham brought in Paws 4 Life to us. I had a great time!”  Photos by E. Lane Gresham of TFS showing junior Anna Paige Barrett of Clarkesville smiling at Fancy during a break from finals and freshman Kahwach of Cleveland playing with Lake during a break from finals.