Brittle Hands imply Good Job avoiding COVID-19

If you are like me, your hands are brittle from washing and re-washing them amid COVID-19.  But Mountain Lakes Medical Center Chief Nursing Officer Kim Ingram says that is one of the keys to avoid the respiratory virus pandemic.  “Then that means they’re doing a great job. A good nurse is one who has really dry skin because they’re washing their hands lots of times.  So, if they have dry skin, they’re doing great.”  Also, avoid touching your face, adds Ingram.  “The virus by touching other things and then touching your face.”  The rules we learned in kindergarten are now being reinforced amid COVID-19, concludes Ingram.  “You know the hard things for us as humans, especially in the South, we are so touchy with each other.  I am a big hugger but I have to not do that and it feels strange not to shake hands and see your church member in the grocery store and hug her neck.  You just can’t do that it is not safe for you, it is not safe for other people. So, keep your hands to yourself, they told us that when we were in kindergarten and we still need to do it.”  Social distancing has become the new normal, so people are encouraged to stay at least 6 feet apart at all times, especially in public settings like the grocery store or pharmacy.