Agenda set for Tallulah Falls Council Meeting

The Town of Tallulah Falls announces that the Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, June 10, at 6pm in chambers at 255 Main Street as well as video conference streaming available for the public.  According to the agenda, a public hearing will be held on the budget for the year ending on June 30, 2022; then the council will hear reports, consider a fall UNG unpaid internship for Jade Turpen, approve a Code Red Agreement, discuss tank telemetry, consider an application for the Nonentitlement Unit of Government (NEU) category to receive ARPA Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, discuss Land Disturbing Permits, hear comments from the mayor and public, and hold an executive session if needed.  To participate with Zoom, visit using Meeting ID: 985 871 4216 and Meeting Passcode: 30573.  To watch on YouTube Channel, visit  The Town of Tallulah Falls will also be back to a normal pre-pandemic meeting set-up if you would like to attend in person.  Masks are not required and are at your own discretion. Please do not attend if you are not feeling well.