Agenda released for Rabun County Board of Commissioners Meeting

The Rabun County Board of Commissioners will hold its monthly work session and regular meeting on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, in the Rabun County Courtroom.  At 5:30pm is the work session and at 6pm is the regular meeting.  According to the agenda, the Board will hear from Clay Pilgram from Ruston and County, who will present the 2020 Audit, will consider for approval the low bid for the Library Grant Project, will consider for approval the rezoning request from Lucie Griggs for a variance concerning setback requirements on .64 acres located at Land Lot 15 in District 1, also known as Oscar Rock Road, will consider for approval the rezoning request from CMLM Development Corporation to rezone a tract consisting of 2.56 acres located at Land Lot 36 in Land District 2 from agricultural to two-family residential for the purpose of building duplexes, will consider for approval the IGA with Otto Fire and Rescue for fire services, and will consider for approval to start the process of abandonment for Old Lakemont Burton Road.