AAA urges Travelers to ensure Rides are Road Trip Ready

A year’s worth of pent-up demand is about to be unleashed as 34 million Americans prepare for a Memorial Day road trip. For many, this could be their first road trip in quite some time and AAA is urging drivers to make sure their vehicles are ready.  “Some vehicles may have spent more time in the driveway than on the roadway after a year of disrupted schedules due to the pandemic,” said Montrae Waiters, spokeswoman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “AAA cautions drivers about hitting the road in vehicles that haven’t been properly maintained. A pre-trip inspection will go a long way to ensure you don’t spend the holiday on the roadside.”  AAA expects to rescue more than 468,000 Americans this Memorial Day weekend, mostly due to situations that could be avoided with a simple vehicle inspection. Drivers can find a AAA Approved Auto Repair facility by visiting  The top three reasons drivers request help from AAA are for flat tires, dead batteries, and lockouts.