2023 CCRPI shows improvement in Content Mastery

The 2023 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores show improvements in Content Mastery, with the highest component scores in Progress and Readiness, reports the Georgia Department of Education. “I am proud to see Georgia students making academic progress and succeeding in and out of core subject areas,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “There are clear areas of strength, and areas for improvement as well – as a state, we will continue to invest in academic recovery to address targeted needs and ensure every student receives an excellent education.” Removal of the 100-point scale avoids oversimplifying school performance. The CCRPI no longer includes an overall, 0-100 score for schools, districts, or the state. This change was first implemented in 2022 under an addendum received from the U.S. Department of Education, and made permanent this year under an amendment to Georgia’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. Information about the changes approved under this amendment is available here. Each CCRPI component – Content Mastery, Progress, Closing Gaps, Readiness, and Graduation Rate for high schools – still has a 0-100 score. The change was made to increase transparency and provide a more complete picture of school performance, ensuring that challenges and opportunities are not hidden behind a single score. “I have long said that the CCRPI’s 100-point single score vastly oversimplified the complicated factors that influence school quality,” Superintendent Woods said. “With this change, the CCRPI is more like the ‘report card’ it was always intended to be – encouraging schools, families, and communities to dig into the data and both celebrate achievements and address issues that tended to be obscured by the single score.” Overall, schools scored highest on the Readiness and Progress components. Readiness includes literacy scores; data on the percentage of students succeeding in “beyond the core” instruction, Career Pathways and accelerated enrollment; college and career readiness; and student attendance. Progress measures how much growth students demonstrate in English language arts and mathematics and how well English learners are progressing toward English language proficiency. Scores were lower for Closing Gaps, which measures how well schools meet annual improvement targets for student subgroups, and Content Mastery, which includes student scores on statewide assessments in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. However, Content Mastery scores improved from 2022 to 2023 – with the statewide score increasing from 63 to 64.7 for elementary schools, 60 to 60.9 for middle schools, and 64.7 to 65 for high schools.


  Elementary Middle High
Content Mastery 64.7 60.9 65.0
Progress 85.8 80.8 79.2
Closing Gaps 66.7 52.5 67.5
Readiness 82.3 82.0 71.4
Graduation Rate N/A N/A 84.9

Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), each U.S. state is required to have a statewide accountability system that complies with federal requirements, providing information on how well schools are performing. The CCRPI meets that requirement in Georgia, as well as satisfies requirements for school accountability in state law.