Your Candidates Are

Qualifying is now over. Your candidates are:

For Clayton Brian Panell, Michelle Duqette and James Moore for Post 2. Virginia Stewart and Jordan Green For Post 1 and for Mayor Billy Johnson, John Bradshaw and David Phillips.

Dillard and Mountain City will have no elections as Incumbents Bill Robinson for Mayor, Terry Wilson for Post 5, Blain Peacock for post 1, and Claud Dillard for post 3 all retain the seats in Dillard and Robert Sutton in post 3 and Chuck Hooper for post 2 will remain in Mountain City.

Sky Valley will have a race for Mayor Between Moreen Platt and Hughel Goodgame.

The Sky Valley City Council will not have an election as David Whatley, Martin Green, and Bob Larsen will hold those post.